Freddie Wonnacott, M&G Real Estate
Freddie Wonnacott
Director, Fund Management
M&G Real Estate

Freddie is the Assistant Fund Manager for the M&G UK Residential Property Fund. Freddie supports the Head of UK and European Living in setting and executing the investment strategy to meet the Fund’s strategic and performance objectives. Freddie oversees the investment managers and asset managers, who are responsible for acquiring, structuring and delivering investment opportunities and actively managing the Fund’s assets including the mobilisation and stabilisation of completed developments.

Prior to his current role, Freddie worked as investment manager in the team for six years. Through his network and broad relationships with agents, investors and developers he has transacted in excess of £800m across the living sector and around half these transactions were within the student housing sector. Freddie joined M&G Real Estate as Graduate Surveyor in September 2013 gaining a broad experience in investment and asset management across M&G Real Estate’s sector focused teams across all sub-sectors of the real estate market. He joined the residential team in 2016 as asset manager.

He is a member of Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and holds a BSc (Hons) in Investment and Finance in Property from the University of Reading. Freddie specialised in the residential sector during his degree in Investment and Finance in Property.